Why Marksmen Brand Protection? | Marksmen
Why Fovea IP?

Your Global IP
Search & Watch Platform

Fovea IP has the fastest, most comprehensive trademark database search available.

years in business

countries supported

clients served

cases completed

Fovea IP Includes Access to More IP Databases Than Anyone

Marksmen now offers Fovea IP search and watch services. Fovea IP is the owner of the most relevant and comprehensive proprietary Intellectual Property data worldwide, directly sourced from various Patent and Trademark Offices (PTOs) and published gazettes.

196 trademarks registers + 50 US states
87 pharmaceutical databases
170 patent registers
76 company name registers
101 industrial design registers
1519 domain names extensions
Our Work Speaks For Itself

Keep the Sharpest Eye on Trademarks, Owners, Companies and Domain Names.

Do your clients have ongoing brand protection concerns? Marksmen now exclusively offers Fovea IP trademark, owner, company name, and domain name monitoring services — a cost-effective way to keep a constant, watchful eye on your clients' brands.

Fovea IP Global Coverage
Fovea IP Global Coverage

Your Successful
Search & Watch Starts Here

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